Ok, so remember how I said we would be having so much fun on the farm? I’m still waiting on the fun part. We have been busting our butts to get the house ready for move-in day. Every time I turn around there is another hole in the wall. At first, these holes were unintentional. We had the great idea to take down the wallpaper so we could put a nice fresh coat of paint on the walls. While my super handy friend agreed that the wallpaper had to go, she also warned me that I may not like what I find underneath… Umm holy understatement! She helped me tear down the wallpaper and the cheap shiplap (don’t worry, shiplap will still be making an appearance). Guess what was under that wallpaper? About 5 more layers of wallpaper. Because, why wouldn’t there be? It was like peeling an onion – burning tears included! Along with the layers of wallpaper came entire chunks of wall. Ever heard of laugh and plaster? Me either. Also, that’s apparently not what it’s called. This lath and plaster stuff is a bunch of BS. As the other random holes in the wall were exposed, so was another terrible reality. No insulation! You guys… we live in Upstate, NY. You know, where it gets like really freaking cold. Well the good news is, my husband actually likes this stuff and insulated the whole thing. But that was AFTER I was shocked to walk in and see huge holes cut out of both living rooms. I know I said I didn’t need super nice things, but I didn’t mean that I would give up walls. That’s a deal breaker.
This week leading up to the big move-in has been pure insanity. Clearly we are going through some sort of mid-life crisis to be taking all of this on, but I can’t even believe how lucky we are to have so many people pitching in to help us get this house fixed up in time to move in TOMORROW! Over this past week we have had friends and family who have shown up unannounced and helped weed for hours on end, cleaned the pool, painted rooms, caulked for an eternity (so much caulking), taken the girls for sleepovers and playdates, and literally used their shirt sleeves to wipe away my tears. That last part may or may not be when I realized that the walls I just caulked now had huge holes in them. It’s fine. My point in all of this is that despite thinking we are crazy for starting this adventure, our tribe supports us in in all of our craziness and we are so very grateful. Clearly we have no idea what we are doing, but we are fully committed now! Hope you’re ready to be entertained. I’m just ready for walls…